Farm Fresh Chicken Eggs: from happy, well-loved, sunshine loving, fresh air breathing chickens
Our chickens are pasture raised and enjoy eating all the natural goodness they can forage and chase on our 7 acres (bugs, greens, grains). They are also fed chicken feed crumbles, kitchen leftovers, and treats. The ladies LOVE to eat tomatoes and watermelon. So you may notice the yolks are a deeper, darker yellow/orange in color. This is a good thing! Pastured eggs contain higher levels of vitamins A, D and E; more beta-carotene; and more omega-3s. It also indicates that the animal is healthy and happy.
The chicken eggs have not been washed so that the natural protective coating, called the “bloom”, is still keeping them fresh and safe. Eggshells are porous and their protective bloom coating seals them. Therefore, you can leave them on your counter for many weeks; but I hope you use them before then! If you prefer to wash them, then you must refrigerate them afterwards.